Sunday, October 8th 2006: “Our team is great. These lads are the best. So all that can be said after a race like today's is: there is no-one to blame. The engine just gave out suddenly and everything went up in smoke - among other things our hopes of winning the drivers' championship. That is pretty much decided upon now. But that's the way it goes in racing, things like this can happen. It's part of the sport and a part of life. All I can say is that I'm extremely proud of this team. The way we fought back in the championship after being 25 points behind after Canada was amazing. But it wasn't meant to be. We did everything right, because when the engine blew up we were first in the field.
To hope that Fernando will have to retire during the Brazil race is not something that I will base my race on. I don't want to hope that an opponent will have to retire, I want to fight for the championship. And that'* **actly what we will do in Brazil now, we'll fight for the constructors' championship. We are nine points behind in that right now, but we'll see. We'll definitely try to do it."

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